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Twitter reinstates Zero Hedge account saying its earlier suspension was ‘an error’

Twitter reinstates Zero Hedge account saying its earlier suspension was ‘an error’
By Kim Lyons

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Twitter has reinstated the account for markets blogging site Zero Hedge, and says its decision to suspend the account for “platform manipulation” earlier this year was a mistake, Bloomberg reported. The January suspension of its Twitter account followed a report from Zero Hedge suggesting that a Chinese scientist had created the coronavirus in a lab, a theory that has since been widely debunked.

Zero Hedge says in a post on its site Saturday that Twitter told them the suspension was for violating its rules against abuse and harassment, and reiterated its position that the suspension was “motivated by reasons other than the stated ones.” Its post argues Zero Hedge did not dox the scientist in question, but used publicly available...

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June 13, 2020 at 08:33PM
via The Verge - All Posts

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